A word on Covid-19 and massage therapy.

I take this virus very seriously as a nurse and massage therapist.

We spend the most time together in a room sharing the same air of all the professionals providing care and personal services. Most other professions do not spend a full hour in close proximity to the client.

  • MASKS ARE STILL MANDATORY upon entering the building.

  • If you think you may have been exposed to Covid-19 or have any upper respiratory symptoms-Please wear a mask.

  • The surfaces in the room are wiped down completely between clients with a Health Department approved disinfectant wipe. This includes the door knobs, the edges of the door, table surfaces, the face cradle and the surface of the massage table before a new clean set of linens is applied to the room.

  • The restroom is in a common area of the office and is wiped down between each client while I am working. But the office is used by other professionals, so be aware and conscious of social distancing.

  • For further information on Covid-19 in general click here :